
Exporting is creating the final video from your scenes.

You could write a program yourself to render each frame in a scene and compile a video, but Graphic Videos has a few built in functions to do that.

Single Core Export


This function uses one CPU core to render and encode each frame, one at a time.

It is extremely reliable, and fits for almost any situation.

Multi Core Export


This function uses all of your CPU cores to render and save them as images to a temporary directory. Then, it uses one core to encode all the images and removes them. If, at any time during the export, a KeyboardInterrupt is raised, the program will quit and remove all temporary files.

It is very fast, but uses a lot of disk space during export.

FFmpeg Export


This function exports in the exact same way as Single Core, but uses FFmpeg to compress the video after it is exported.

Uses one temporary video file, and has a small output size.

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